Mediumship Reading
Connect and receive messages of hope, healing and inspiration from loved ones that have passed. These experiential sessions are based in evidence and can provide comfort, enlightenment, and peace of mind.
Find balance and direction through channeled guidance and insight from those in higher realms of consciousness that can be our own personal spiritual guides, angels, ascended masters & light beings.
Receive information from the Akashic records to find clarity around relationships, money, career, health and happiness.
60 minutes $180
Soul Realignment TM_ This is an energy based intuitive healing modality using the Akashic Record to inform clients about the Divine nature of their soul and how choices have shaped their experiences over the course of many lifetimes. And how through a psychic reading and clearing new choices can be made to create the life they want.
Soul Level Portrait Reading
Discover your soul's group, soul gifts and attributes, energetic state and makeup with this
in- depth reading..
Resonate with and release past life choices and ancestral energies that are creating blocks and imbalances that are affecting your current life circumstances. Making room for higher vibrations to come in.
Reveal current life lessons and explore the influences of your choices..
Consciously connect and resonate with awareness and start to make new choices in which you shift you toward creating a life of abundance, joy, creativity. Along with riding the scale of allowance of day to day to experiences.
These readings are intuitive readings and spiritual counselling in which your personal akashic-life-records are accessed within the forces of divine light, love, truth and wisdom.
***Key detailed information is gathered and organized prior to the appointment. The scheduled appointment time is for the revealing of information, clearing, healing, and guidance and is 75 minutes. $397
Faith asks us to believe in the unknown. Fear asks us to believe in the same.
Which choice feels better and allows for more opportunity?
It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.
Alan Cohen
1675 SW Marlow Ave. #306 Portland, Oregon 97225
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Tammy Slate, LLC- All Rights Reserved.